4 Compelling Reasons to Add a Blog to Your Web Site

add a blog to your web site

After looking at more than 2000 security companies web sites in the last month, I noticed that majority of these web sites were created just for for show. All have the customary about us page, contact details, and maps. Very … Continued

Guest posting tips: Importance of good contents

Three words: “Content is King”. Websites and bloggers who accept guest posts, while willing to host articles, obviously want well-written, well-researched, entertaining pieces – in short, great articles.

Guest posting tips: What to look for

Hunting sites to guest post means adapting to the various types of audience in the blogosphere. Oftentimes, you need to be creative on how you clinch the guest post and where and when to do so. Here are some techniques that might help you.

What is Guest Posting?

Ever heard a term Guest Post? Here is what it is about and why do businesses care about it.

Do I need a website if I have a Facebook page?

The title is quite descriptive in itself. This article is about Facebook, a free and extremely popular social networking site and how it affects our perception of the need to set up and maintain a costly website. So, let us … Continued

To the Planning Board!

Marketing planning tips

Where did time go? It’s already the second week of December and people are in a jollier, happier mood. There are blinking lights everywhere and window displays are beckoning passers-by to look and spend their bonuses. Small business owners, meanwhile, … Continued

Google+ Launches Pages for Businesses

Finally! After months of waiting, online behemoth Google has launched Google+ Pages for Business. It’s an exciting — and overwhelming — time for business owners and marketers around the world as they build their pages on Google+ and analyze how … Continued