4 Compelling Reasons to Add a Blog to Your Web Site

After looking at more than 2000 security companies web sites in the last month, I noticed that majority of these web sites were created just for for show. All have the customary about us page, contact details, and maps. Very … Continued

add a blog to your web site

After looking at more than 2000 security companies web sites in the last month, I noticed that majority of these web sites were created just for for show. All have the customary about us page, contact details, and maps. Very few have blogs, which I consider to be a very crucial component of marketing your business online.

With that in mind, I reflected on the reasons why you should add a blog to your web site:

  1. It’s good for SEO. Search engines like fresh content and blogging gives you that fresh content. A blog that’s updated regularly and consistently lets search engines know that your web site is still “alive and kicking” and they send their bots to crawl your web site. Eventually, this will mean better search engine rankings.
  2. It’s an opportunity to be a thought leader in your industry. When you start a blog for your company, you give yourself a venue to reflect on issues affecting your industry and demonstrate your expertise. And because not many companies utilize blogging in this manner, you set yourself up as a leader of the pack.
  3. It’s a venue to engage your customers and prospects.  Engagament is a buzz word in today’s digital marketing sphere, particularly in social media marketing. Gone are the days when digital marketers only want high page views and thousands of Facebook fans and Twitter followers. Now, they want to be engaging with your audience — getting them to comment, share, like, retweet, and repin your posts. That will only happen if you have blog posts in the first place.
  4. It’s a way to educate your customers. Educating your customers is a good investment because it inspires trust and loyalty. A blog offers you a way to do just that. Additionally, research shows that “if you teach your customers to ‘consume’ more, more often, you’ll literally double your business without acquiring a single new customer!” Read more about this study here: Educating Consumers.

Why business web sites should be built on WordPress

For the most part, I suspect that these security companies do not engage in blogging because the platform used to build their web sites is hard to update. Those who use WordPress, meanwhile, do have blogs on their site, because it makes it extremely easy to publish content to your website.

Do you have a business blog?

How about you? Do you incorporate blogging in your online marketing efforts? I’d love to find out how blogging has helped your business online.