
We will conduct a series of meetings to immerse ourselves into your business. During those interviews we will dive deep into your operations to discover the reasons why you need a new website and what exactly you are trying to achieve. Some of these questions will sound a little uncomfortable. But if we don’t know the truth, we won’t be able to help.


Once we have all the information and know how your business runs and what is your vision of the future, we will build a visual sitemap for you, to make sure we are on the same page about the structure of your new website. This will allow us to catch any issues early in the process.


Next checkpoint is the interactive prototype we build to demonstrate our solution in action. Prototype is a simplified website you can open in your web browser, open pages and see the future product in action without being distracted by design, colors, fonts, etc. It’s not pretty yet, but you we will be able to go over functionality and get ready for a design stage.


Now we get to play with colours, cut some images, add photos to bring your interactive prototype to life, creating unique design which will match your brand. At this stage, the site is ready!


Finally, we go spend a couple of weeks making sure everything is in place, tested, looks great and ready to be deployed to your hosting server so you can show it off to the whole world.